Industry information

Let go! The medical equipment registration fee has been reduced from 90,000 yuan to 0 yuan

Release time:2019-04-30 77

Since May 1, 2019, the registration fee standard for drugs and medical devices in Beijing has been reduced to zero. Not only that, the fee collected in advance must be refunded to the payer.

To reduce the burden of enterprises about 66 million yuan

On April 26, the official website of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the notice of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance on Reducing the Registration fee standard of Pharmaceutical and medical Device products in Beijing, saying that since May 1, 2019, the registration fee standard of pharmaceutical and medical device products in Beijing has been reduced to zero.

The document emphasizes that the above administrative institutional income in arrearage in previous years should continue to be collected and handed over to the Treasury in full, and after the completion of the recovery work, the enterprise needs to go to the financial department in time to handle the bill cancellation procedures. The above administrative fees received in advance will be refunded to the payer.

According to the Beijing News, the reason for the change of the registration fee by the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission is that, in order to implement the relevant policy spirit of the national tax reduction and fee reduction, actively respond to the opinions and suggestions of some deputies of the municipal People's Congress in 2019, and further optimize the city's business environment, it is expected that after the change of the registration fee, the burden of enterprises will be reduced by about 66 million yuan this year.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Drug Administration said that after the implementation of the fee reduction policy, it will be conducive to promoting the innovation and development of pharmaceutical enterprises, promoting the transformation of more high-end and sophisticated innovation achievements, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the pharmaceutical and health industry in Beijing.

Registration fee dropped from 90,000 yuan to 0 yuan

After the introduction of the new standard, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance previously issued the "Letter on Drug and medical device product registration fee standard" and the "Notice on cleaning up and standardizing a number of Administrative charges related policies" in the drug and medical device product registration fee standard provisions abolished at the same time.

The above two abolished documents show that the original medical equipment registration fee standard has been implemented since July 1, 2017. The first registration fee is 93,900 yuan, and the change registration fee is 39,300 yuan, which is the provincial unit with the highest charge standard in the country before.

The registration fee is directly exempted, which shows that the reduction is large.

In addition to Beijing, provincial-level units that do not charge registration fees are Tianjin and Hubei. In addition, in April issued a new standard in Hunan Province, the same drop is large, each variety of the first registration fee reduced by about 20,000 yuan; The change registration fee and renewal registration fee have been reduced by nearly 10,000 yuan.

Cypress Blue equipment collated the latest edition of 24 provincial units of medical devices II registration fee standard table, for readers to consult, from the national situation statistics, so far there have been 24 provinces/cities/autonomous regions announced II fee standards, reduce registration fees for 14 areas, the downward range is larger, individual provinces down more than 100%.

[Latest] 24 provincial units of medical device Class II registration fee standard table

Unit: Yuan