Company news

A friend from afar - and Mexican customer Mr. ALBERTO to visit our company

Release time:2019-10-23 23

On October 21, 2019, Mr. Alberto, global purchasing Manager of BENSI IMPORTS of Mexico, paid a one-day visit to our company for negotiation.

有朋自远方来 ——暨墨西哥客户ALBERTO先生来我司参观(图1)

Accompanied by General Manager Peng, technical Vice President Liang, and Foreign Trade Manager Li Xuejiao of Marketing Department, Mr. Alterto first visited our product exhibition hall. Mr. ALBERTO raised questions about our products, and our company gave professional answers to customers' questions.

有朋自远方来 ——暨墨西哥客户ALBERTO先生来我司参观(图2)

Mr ALBERTO says only two companies make similar products in Mexico, and most of the country's medical equipment is imported. He had been looking for suppliers of such products, so when he saw our products, Mr. ALBERTO was very excited, like a treasure. Samples of interesting products were selected and brought back to China, such as alginate dressing, chitosan dressing, scar dressing, cold dressing, hydrogel trauma dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, disposable sterile dressing, foam dressing, cooling patch and other products. And put forward his customization requirements in the meeting, hoping that our company can cooperate with R & D and production in the future cooperation.

有朋自远方来 ——暨墨西哥客户ALBERTO先生来我司参观(图3)

In the afternoon, Mr. ALBERTO, accompanied by the production manager, General Manager Liang and foreign trade Li Xuejiao, entered the workshop for a visit. We explained the relevant equipment and production process to the customers in detail. The customer repeatedly nodded that he was very interested, and spoke highly of our overall environment and products!

有朋自远方来 ——暨墨西哥客户ALBERTO先生来我司参观(图4)

Finally, the customer said that he would visit our company again as a partner. We also hope that the two sides can cooperate and win win-win, so that the brand of "Changjiyong" can be taken out of the country and go to the world, so that more people can use our products and benefit!