Civil-military integration series

Towel dressing kit

This product is a functional dressing pad with hemostatic and anti-infection functions formed by chitosan and medical absorbent viscose fiber, and then it is combined with cotton triangle towel to form triangle towel dressing bag, which can improve the quality and performance of wound dressing pad and better wound care and dressing effect.

Product name Usage Product picture Manufacturer Remarks

※ Triangular towel dressing kit

(Chitosan dressing)

For head, chest, abdomen and four

The limb war wound is bandaged and fixed.

001.jpg Chukeu

Class II medical devices

Chitosan dressing

Upgrade to replace Type 82 triangle




产品创新点: 该产品是将壳聚糖与医用吸水粘纤形成具有止血、抗感染功能的功能性敷料垫,然后再与棉质三角巾组成三角巾敷料包,提升创面敷料垫的品质和性能,护创和包扎效果更佳。
